Become a Body Detective

A CE Seminar on Clinical Functional Nutrition

10 Classes Starting: October 15

Live Sessions on Sundays at 7:30 PM EST

Available for Re-Watching in Your Course Portfolio

  • 20 CE credits for Phamacists, PAs, Nurse and Nurse Practitioners and Naturopathic Doctors.

  • Counts as 20 credits for the Diplomate from the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.

Course Includes:

  • Review of each Session

  • Vitamin and Mineral Booklet

  • Book on “How to make your own herbal preparations”

  • Refrigerator Lists on Super Foods

  • Discussions with Dr. Lynn

Life Enhancing Products

In this course, you will review:
Biochemistry Physiology Pharmacology Anatomy

This course teaches how to integrate whole food supplements (derived from plants, animal tissues, and sea vegetables), herbal remedies made from the correct plant parts, compounded medications, orthomolecular products, and specialized diets into patient care, all based on scientific evidence.

The class is taught by Lynn Lafferty, Pharm.D., ND, a Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition and Master Herbalist. With over 20 years of experience in Functional and Integrative Medicine, she has spent the last 12 years teaching in medical and pharmacy schools. Dr. Lafferty has also served on the Board of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and is highly knowledgeable about the harmful effects of toxins, medications, and heavy metals on health, as well as the products that can help eliminate them.

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 754-249-8138

Address : Ft Lauderdale, FL 33329