Integrative Health & Wellness is a healthcare education company that believes in “combining very successful treatments from the past in medicine and health treatments with the most exciting research
and technologies discovered today, which is personalized to each specific person’s health needs.”

In the past, medications were made from plants and animal tissues, and doctors and pharmacists used
herbal remedies, homeopathy, and vitamin therapies that were successful. Pharmacists compounded many medications specifically designed for the patients by their physicians, and we had a sense of knowing the team was working together to get the patient well.

Together, with our integrative team of experts comprised of practicing physicians, pharmacists, naturopaths, diplomates in nutrition, and chiropractors, we offer continuing education approved courses.

Our Doctors

Jane Doe

I was feeling lost and directionless in my career when I started working with [Career Coach Name]. They helped me to identify my strengths and interests, and to develop a plan to achieve my goals.

John Doe

I was struggling to find a new job after being laid off. [Career Coach Name] helped me to update my resume and interview skills, and to network with people in my field. I landed a new job within a few months.

Jane Doe

[Career Coach Name] helped me to negotiate a higher salary at my current job. They gave me the confidence and the tools I needed to negotiate effectively. I am now earning significantly more money.

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 754-249-8138

Address : Ft Lauderdale, FL 33329