From a life-long enthusiastic learner...

Always learning and bringing something NEW!

Interview Style is so fun...I sure hope to do more and more with the amazing Tonia Emanuel!

Tonia runs the fabulous private FB Group: Women Creating Legacies and I find her post and teachings super helpful.

I recently did her Ignite Coaching Session and found some major stories that need attention and need to be RE-Scripted for a big ass #mindSHIFT related to dating again. It was WOWZER!

Here's the link to Tonia's Private Group: Women Leaving Legacies

And, here's her website for more

information and details:

Full Video is posted below - Enjoy!

And, let us know if you have questions and don't forget we both have TEST DRIVE options regarding our coaching practices.

We LOVE to serve!!

I'm a 'Perspective Detective' and I help clients become 'Perspective Detectives' in their own lives. I've created Signature Programs for discovering and uncovering the WHY we do the things WE do, ACT the way we ACT, STRUGGLE in certain areas of life and SOAR in others...

I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified BrainGAME facilitator/coach | Slightly Naughty, Sweet & Salty.
I am devoted to

Serenity, Wisdom and Laughter personally and professionally!

Take what you like and leave the rest...

BIG Love, Theresa

PS: To the grammar police you can - buzz off.

No, if there's something seriously wrong PM me. Okay??

Smile. Giggle. Giggle.

Hashtags you can use to find me...



#lessons2laminate #fasttrack2truthgal #braingamer #mindshifter


9/14/2020 0Comments

(please note the last couple of paragraphs)

The best feeling in the world is living a life without stress. When we are not taking care of ourselves, we’re usually expecting someone else to do it for us. Often this expectation is an unconscious expectation and causes internal disturbance (aka stress).

If it were easy to 1) know and 2) then communicate our challenges & our needs – everyone would be doing this.

And, we’d have FEW relationship conundrums.

The person that is unaware – ️ we call in the industry “asleep”. The sole purpose of self-evaluation or becoming a ‘perspective detective’ in search of patterns & cycles is to bring awareness to the forefront.

The guy procrastinating about moving forward regarding #relationship coaching has NO IDEA he’s procrastinating because he has a pattern or cycle of NOT TAKING ACTION until there is some sort of drama that forces him to TAKE ACTION.

His background or wounds have always been around trauma and drama.

He unknowingly allows himself to be moved ONLY after some kind of drama.

It was a way of life in his growing up years.

His relationship matters of the home – ️ ONLY MATTER when a meltdown, a storm, a fit is thrown that he has to (if he wants to SAVE his marriage) respond.

This is off-putting (a real turn off to his wife) ...makes him genuinely UNATTRACTIVE TO HER.

His ACTIONS say loudly “my relationship is LAST on my list of priorities).

ACTIONS are key – clues to our core intentions and PRIORITIES!

When our significant other feels un-heard, last on the list, un-cared for, not a priority – ️ CHECK your ACTIONS.

It’s seldom our words that are indicators it’s our UNSPOKEN WORDS (aka our ACTIONS) that are felt by others!!

With a little ‘Perspective Detective’ investigation, we can learn to start by being FAIR, taking and embracing 97% responsibility usually found in our daily ACTIONS (aka intentions).

Guess what triggers her ??... a dad she felt could give two shits about what was going on regarding relationships of the home‼️

A dad that would hand her a $100 bill vs show up for her cheerleading competition, her ballgame, or her speech & debate competition.

She’s experienced – ️ and feels – ️ has felt – ️ inACTION at its finest.

Nothing triggers her FASTer than the #truth of dismissal and inACTION.

And, that my friends – are All the reasons WHY these two are together – ️for the healing, discovery, uncovering, and understanding of their individual & collective wounds. If you’re triggered investigate where you FIRST felt this emotion and you’ll find your foundational #wound, then reprocess or reposition the original “feeling & the belief established” from it that you carried forward in life (or business).

PS: this #man and this #woman have had major breakthroughs individually – around their wounds. Excited for them to experience the same or similar breakthroughs as a couple.

They’ve worked with many counselors yet have never had the #spiritualawakening that comes with #communication as a #couple. Once they experience how beautiful, #peaceful, and how #compassionate they can be together – with each other. The #wounds dissolve or dissipate NO LONGER TRIGGERING the #past.

Big Love,


“What’s the definition of a #miracle??

A shift in #perspective.

Sometimes the tiniest shift in Perspective...."