From a life-long enthusiastic learner...

Always learning and bringing something NEW!

7/23/2020 0Comments

Let us awaken to the idea that there is nothing going on in our relationships of the home

that observation cannot see.

With observation we find patterns and programs impressed upon us at an early age via the authorities in our life – at the time. Some patterns and programs we adopt from our ‘perspective’ at the current time, our emotional intelligence at the time, our fears at the time and so on… Sometimes we were taught and they are along the lines of – to deny, hide, suppress, blame, shame, act out, keep secrets and more.

A coaching call yesterday revealed insight around the ‘mother’n law’ position. That’s a good one, huh? As a ‘perspective detective’ we got on the phone to discover and uncover insights as to

  1. how the conundrum started

  2. what it felt like at the time and what it feels like now

  3. how had the conundrum progressed

  4. is it real or somewhat made up (aka how have we processed the feelings and information available)

  5. why do we need approval

  6. who and what is it really affecting

  7. and the idea or possibilities available to us now and going forward

  8. why is it important for this conundrum to head toward healing

  9. how might the script or story transition – if this conundrum were to dissolve or dissipate

  10. were there any mistakes that might have been made by the client in the onset of this disturbance – and more!

And, last but not least – addressing all this without “a word” being said to the “mother’n law” – that’s so fun!

PLUS, this client got a great feel around HOW TO become her OWN ‘perspective detective’

We little humans think we have to talk and explain E V E R Y T H I N G to others…

There is ONE THING I frick’n love teaching and sharing with my clients – we can create great change and co-create an amazing impact – without saying a word!

Hey – don’t believe me – take a TEST DRIVE.

I’ve moved my #volunteerism to my business so there is a 2-HOUR TEST drive waiting for you where I #volunteer to help and I’m having so much fun. Zero sales conversation – I’m well aware that people are perfectly capable of knowing what they want, when they want it and how they want it. I love the freedom in that for ME and for YOU. Here's a direct link to Learn More About the TEST DRIVE

If you LOVE what I'm throwing down - Join me in my

private Group Let's Human | Miracles and Mojo' on Facebook.

PLUS, get in the SEE APP (Body, Soul, Business) where I'm soon to be a featured influencer among many amazing influencers with multifaceted realms of expertise.

Learn more about what ALL SEE APP offers here

Big Love,

I'm a 'Perspective Detective' and I help clients become 'Perspective Detectives' in their own lives. I've created Signature Programs for discovering and uncovering the WHY we do the things WE do, ACT the way we ACT, STRUGGLE in certain areas of life and SOAR in others...

I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified BrainGAME facilitator/coach | Slightly Naughty, Sweet & Salty.
I am devoted to Serenity, Wisdom and Laughter personally and professionally!

Take what you like and leave the rest...

BIG Love, Theresa



: To the grammar police you can - buzz off.

No, if there's something seriously wrong PM me. Okay??

Smile. Giggle. Giggle.

Hashtags you can use to find me...



#lessons2laminate #fasttrack2truthgal #braingamer #mindshifter



7/23/2020 0Comments

What is a Miracle? It's as simple as a shift in perception! Do you LOVE Miracles? I do....

YES, there are BIG amazing miracles that happen YET also little shifts in perception with the work I do with clients that I often refer to as a #SpiritualAwakening and they are seen and celebrated as Miracles - a shift in perception.

What about MOJO? Do you LOVE feel good MOJO? I do..... Mojo to me is about our "feel good energy" and we have a lot of choices when it comes to enhancing our mojo - our feel good - our energy!

I love that for me and for YOU.

2 Things Just for YOU:

1) Enjoy this little 3 minute audio message below under the umbrella of "Let's Human" with Miracles and Mojo.

2) I'm starting a little private community on Facebook called "Let's Human | Miracles and Mojo" click HERE to join us!

I've also received a special invitation to share my teachings within the NEW! "SEE APP" all about Body Soul Business. It is amazing and hosts many amazing multifaceted teachers with many different "Zones of Genius".

Here's the SEE APP info link for Apple Users And, here's the link for Android Users

Until next time - BIG LOVE, Theresa