ALIVE Membership

  • Become an Energy Master

  • Certify as an ALIVE Practitioner

  • Embody Peace, Joy and Vitality

World Peace Starts with Inner Peace

Transform Your Energy

Unleash Your Brilliance

Embody Peace Within

Experience greater health, happiness, and peace : Strengthen the mind body connection.

Trust yourself more : Be led by the Soul allowing ego’s thoughts, feelings, and body sensations.

Elevate humanity’s consciousness : Together we will impact future generations to come.

Calling all Conscious Entrepreneur Coaches, Light workers, & Healers

Together, we bring out the best in one another, catalyzing a rippling impact across the global community, ushering in a new era of humanity.

Together, Our Purpose is to Practice 3 Pillars:

Transform Your Energy

You will shift from reacting to negative energy to alchemizing all energy back to Source. Grow and strengthen your core energy centers to hold and channel more high frequency energy. Channel your inner peaceful warrior through ancient healing martial art based practices. Learn how to allow, value, and receive fear energy into your heart sun returning it to Source to stay powerful in any low frequency energy environment.

Unleash your brilliance

Deepen your heart’s power and relationship with your Soul in harmony with the ego. Magnify, amplify, and embody your Soul’s expression. Discover your soul’s song and message worth sharing in your business and life. Be unstoppable in the face of resistance, haters, and challenges that arise as you shine bigger and brighter on the world stage by learning to unleash your brilliance.

Embody Peace Within

Return to the ocean of love within no matter how turbulent life’s waters become, remaining relaxed and focused in the eye of any storm. Allow more cellular harmony of your yin energy in an unrelenting yang world. Master your ego’s reactions reprogramming unconscious thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. Build daily discipline to inspire Soul through healthier habits that ground your for the rest of your day.

ALIVE Member Outcome

Feel more health, happiness, and peace. Strengthen the mind body heart connection.

Ignite your aliveness. Experience inner joy for no reason to share with those you serve.

Elevate humanity’s consciousness. Together we are part of creating more enlightened beings.

Together, we are causing tipping point in catalyzing a new era of humanity.

With Us You'll Learn To

  • Relax the chatter of the mind calm the anxiety, relaxing the body’s tension so you can embody inner peace.

  • Cut through distractions. Release other’s energy you’ve absorbed in your body from loved ones, clients, or the news and focus your energy on what truly matters in your heart.

  • Tap into Boundless Energy. Heal your body allowing pain and trauma stored in your cells to transmute, and replenish it with Source’s energy

  • Love Yourself. Easier said than done. Be devoted to your Highest Self, surrendering to it’s guidance through uncertainty

  • Embody Pure Light. Go beyond the intellect and shine your light (literally!) magnifying your presence as a higher consciousness.

When you’ve created a foundation of leading with Soul, mastering your energy, and embodying inner peace–you’ll experience greater health, happiness, peace, trust yourself more, & elevate humanity’s consciousness.

Glowing BRIGHT after a Qigong Tai Chi Integration Session!!

Imagine feeling this way all week!

The ALIVE Principles



  • Plan and implement restorative yin time first before work on an annual, quarterly or monthly, weekly, and daily basis

  • Build structures and an environment that prioritizes self care and well-being first

  • Enjoy accomplishing more with ease


  • Practice discernment in making choices

  • Learn how to follow the Soul’s voice when the ego gets loud and noisy

  • Utilize energy principles and tools to purify and clear out your ego’s thoughts, feelings, and body sensations


  • Connect more deeply with your Soul through daily habits that nurture you

  • Discover what actions light you up while grounding you for the rest of your day

  • Utilize the Daily Presence Planner integrating your Soul goals


  • Intuitively experience fear and pain as a body sensation energy body that you allow to flow through you in the moment

  • Face your fears and transform contracting energy into children you nestle under your wings

  • Learn the NOW approach to stay in Witness consciousness when triggered


  • Find your flow and rhythm through mindful movements from sitting all day hunched over a screen

  • Apply ancient wisdom and practices of Korean Tai Chi Yoga and Qigong into your busy schedule

  • Fire up the belly and calm the mind through ancient Sundo principles of “Water Up Fire Down’

Apply to ALIVE


  1. Complete the Prerequisites

    Resonate with our vision. Watch the vision video here.

    Completed the 40 Days to Aliveness or equivalent of energy foundation principles. If you apply and accept your invite into ALIVE, SolJoy Masterclass is included in your intuition for the first 30 days.

  2. Complete your Application Apply here.

  3. Complete your 1:1 Interview.

    By the end of the call, you will be extended an invitation to become a member or not

Your Soul Adventure Awaits You.
  • Relax the chatter of the mind : Calm the anxiety, relaxing the body’s tension so you can embody inner peace.

  • Cut through distractions : Release other’s energy you’ve absorbed in your body from loved ones, clients, or the news and focus your energy on what truly matters in your heart.

  • Tap into Boundless Energy : Heal your body allowing pain and trauma stored in your cells to transmute, and replenish it with Source’s energy

  • Love Yourself : Easier said than done. Be devoted to your Highest Self, surrendering to it’s guidance through uncertainty

  • Embody Pure Light : Go beyond the intellect and shine your light (literally!) magnifying your presence as a higher consciousness.

  • Lead with Soul

  • Master your Energy

  • Embody Peace

2023 ALIVE membership is full through January 2024. Get on our waiting. list below to be the first to know when we reopen.


ALIVE is a fit for high achievers who:

  • Share the vision to collectively elevate humanity’s consciousness that you believe requires a community

  • Impact driven entrepreneur and accepting of all walks of life

  • You are told often “You have great energy!”, likely an empath, and openly spiritual (than in the closet)

  • Want to calm the mind chatter, cut through distractions, and tap into boundless energy

  • You already have a morning routine and some pretty good health habits in place but looking to go deeper

  • Driven by making a large positive impact in the world through business and spiritually driven

  • Growing, mature entrepreneur of at least 5-10 years in service based industries of Wellness and Healing, Transformation as a Consultant, Advisors, Authors, Speakers, Coaches, etc.

  • Love personal growth, training and development as a lifelong learner and always optimizing your potential

  • Between 40-60 years old and renaissance souls with a strong sense of social justice or social impact that fuels them

  • Have experienced burnout before and now looking to grow with more flow and energy

  • Focused on optimizing your healthspan and cellspan to “youth” yourself.

  • Don’t believe aging must slow you down with longer recovery times from accidental injuries, lifestyle choices, surgery, or illness

  • Typically evolving into a new chapter or life transition

ALIVE is not a fit for those who:

  • Aren’t entrepreneurial. Either you don’t care to be an entrepreneur, have never had a paying client in business, or are in the first year of starting their first business without clarity of what you sell and who you’re selling to

  • Are dogmatic in their religious beliefs, believe their faith is the only one path that ideally everyone would convert to

  • Focused solely on profits or driven primarily on making more money in business rather than being impact driven and/or supporting elevating humanity’s consciousness

  • Too burned out already, on many meds with a severe health condition that is their primary focus in life

  • You aren’t interested in enlightenment or spiritual teachings that don’t fit your beliefs

  • Unwilling to shift out of your current practices and try other ways

  • Content to take it easy and cruise where you are at than actively grow yourself and your business OR the opposite, you enjoy the hustle and grind in business culture

  • You view work and life as separate, than inevitably integrated

  • You don’t believe in or support DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), Black Lives Matters, the Me Too Movement, climate change, LGBTQ communities, or other social justice areas

Criteria to Become an ALIVE Member


  • You resonate deeply with our world vision you can watch here.

  • You have completed the SolJoy masterclass 40 Days to Aliveness or the equivalent of the energy principles


  • You are a visionary or pioneer and care about having a greater global impact as a force for good to positively impact humanity and elevate consciousness

  • You are entrepreneurial in your business or as a professional

  • You are spiritual and value deepening a relationship with your soul

  • You're a high achiever, having demonstrated quantitative results in your business, at work, and/or in your community projects.

What's Included in the ALIVE membership?

  • Initial Kick Off 1:1 call with Anna to create goals and your customized ALIVE Blueprint journey

  • 5 1:1 Energy Coaching Sessions with Anna. Suggested rhythm is monthly calls but you can stack them how you’d like

  • Lifetime access to a proven, step by step ALIVE online course including replays of all live calls- 5 modules

  • 2nd and 4th Monday Grounding Group Coaching Q&A / Grounding Connection Inquiry Calls

  • Guided December Sabbatical (no group or 1:1 calls in December. Holiday party and on your own silent retreat)

  • Qi Gong Tai Chi ALIVE Integration Trainings

  • Mighty Network online community forum and App with Chat for 24/7 online coaching access to connect meaningfully with others

  • For active ALIVE members in good standing after 6 months, eligible for collaboration for a joint book deal, hybrid business writing retreat to write your chapter, speaking summit book launch, joint marketing launches

Criteria to Become

an ALIVE Member

  • You resonate deeply with our world vision you can watch here.

  • You have completed the SolJoy masterclass 40 Days to Aliveness or the equivalent of the energy principles

  • You are a visionary or pioneer and care about having a greater global impact as a force for good to positively impact humanity and elevate consciousness

  • You are entrepreneurial in your business or as a professional

  • You are spiritual and value deepening a relationship with your soul

  • You're a high achiever, having demonstrated quantitative results in your business, at work, and/or in your community projects.

And other surprise bonuses! ALIVE is limited to 10 spots only...

And other surprise bonuses! ALIVE is

limited to 10 spots only...


What is the criteria to be an ALIVE member?

Criteria to Become an ALIVE Member


▪️ You resonate deeply with our world vision you can watch here.

▪️ You have completed the  SolJoy masterclass 40 Days to Aliveness or the equivalent of the energy principles 


▪️ You are a visionary or pioneer and care about having a greater global impact as a force for good to positively impact humanity and elevate consciousness

▪️ You are entrepreneurial in your business or as a professional 

▪️ You are spiritual and value deepening a relationship with your soul

▪️ You're a high achiever, having demonstrated quantitative results in your business, at work, and/or in your community projects.

▪️ You believe in and are in search of a like minded, conscious community of creative leaders.

▪️ You love personal development work and are always looking to grow with a beginner's mind.

▪️. You love mastering any new skill or passion.

▪️ You are a life giving, conscious human being who values self care as you growMembership is by invite only. 

What happens on the interview?

On the interview, we'll share an overview of the purpose of ALIVE then you'll be asked about 10 questions. After that you'll have a chance to ask questions about ALIVE regarding logistics, investment, etc. 

We are looking for the right culture fit, a leader with  a clear vision, a genuine heart, and level of integrity where their life, business, money, and mindset is all aligned with their heart and soul. After the interview, you will be notified if you are invited to join or not. 

If you are sent an invite,  you have 48 business hours to confirm acceptance with payment or let us know you are passing so we can offer your spot to someone else. If not, the interview process is designed to be worth your energy in helping you be present to your greatness, articulate your vision, and gain clarity and direction on the gap to get there. 

Whether you are you are invited or not, at the very least, you will have learned a lot about yourself that it will have been well worth the investment of time and energy. 

How much time do I need to commit?

ALIVE is designed to fit and support you and your life. We meet twice a month the 2nd and 4th Monday as a group for an hour online. If it feels like a stretch to meet twice a month for meditation, movement, and delicious conversation that leaves you more connected to your soul - This is not for you. This is not another call. It is a health & well-being connect to rejuvenate you for the week. 

All meetups, events, and courses are recorded for you to access the replay as long as you are a member. For our online community, some people are more active online each day, posting and sharing. Others share their progress once or twice a week online and attend all the trainings, meetups, and classes. Others are events only people as they understand the power of community participation to accelerate their growth and impact in the world. 

You decide how to best utilize the membership to support you. You get what you put in. Generally speaking, more investment of your energy, the more return and reward you will enjoy.  There are no calls in December to allow a winter sabbatical. 

Do I need a FB account to join?

Nope! We are an intimate, private group entirely off social media to minimize distraction utilizing Mighty Network, a conscious, ad-free platform. It includes an app so you can more easily access the group with your phone. 

How do I need this is for me?

First, watch the vision video by clicking on the "What's Your Vision for the World" video above. If it resonates, then review the "Criteria to Become an ALIVE Member" in the FAQ.

If you mostly fit all of the criteria to become an ALIVE member,  you will be an excellent fit in this community. Welcome home, we've been waiting for you.