UNlEash your brilliance

Relax the Mind and Body.

Embody Boundless Energy.
Catalyze a New Era of Huamnity

Clients Who Trust Us

Anu, Energy Healer Anu, Shifts from

Disrupted Sleep to More Energy

Learn how Anu got rid of disrupted sleep at night and energy crashes to being able to finish her day stronger.

Larry Shares it’s one of the “Most Amazing Personal Development Experiences in my Life!”

“I had extremely high expectations which were tremendously exceeded. She developed and trained us techniques for the whole range of the mind, body, heart, and soul and integrate them altogether. This is been one of the most amazing personal develop experiences in my life and this is what I do for a living!”

Anu, Energy Healer Anu, Shifts from

Disrupted Sleep to More Energy

Learn how Anu got rid of disrupted sleep at night and energy crashes to being able to finish her day stronger.

Healthtech Founder Bianca Goes

from Exhaustion to Nourishment

“I gave back to myself. I was able to surrender where I’ve been hurt before and release negative energy which is now part of daily routine. After just one session with Anna, I felt amazing and I think it's from her allowing me to hang up my cape and give to myself when I so freely give to others.”

Reggie Walker Went from

Anxiety in Head to Calm in his Heart

"An eye opening, different approach than I was

accustomed to and glad I was open for it."

Rachel Shifts from Stagnation to Creative Energy

“I shifted from stagnation sitting too long. Now I’m less stressed and became calm and replenished and have ability to self-soothe the chatter, realign, and rebalance. Just take it – it’ll give you the beginnings to focus, realign and quiet the mind and body. The program and experience is awesome.”

Brea Went From Stress and Overwhelm

to Calm and Better Relationships

"Before I meet Anna had no idea there were routines to reduce my stress. I was a little skeptical but gave me amazing techniques and tools of what I can do each morning before I dive into my business, be calmer with my kids and clients. I have more efficiency of working on my business than in it and know which task is more important for that day instead of feel like everything’s overwhelming."

Brea Went From Stress and Overwhelm

to Calm and Better Relationships

"Before I meet Anna had no idea there were routines to reduce my stress. I was a little skeptical but gave me amazing techniques and tools of what I can do each morning before I dive into my business, be calmer with my kids and clients. I have more efficiency of working on my business than in it and know which task is more important for that day instead of feel like everything’s overwhelming."

Jules Went from No Time or Self Care to More Energy and Clarity

“Before working with Anna I was struggling with time management and self-care.Throughout the work, I learned to tap into the power of my body and have more energy and clarity within my body! DO IT!! I am overflowing with gratitude! Anna is a master at what she does!”


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Success stories : what our clients have to say

Melissa Ignited Her Energy for her Soul Work!

“First I must say, Anna’s coaching style is the most organized, honest and positive, I have ever experienced. She comes to her work with a purpose to help her clients discover their best self and leverage that energy to boost revenue for their business!

When I first met Anna, I was lost as a “successful” multi-million dollar business owner and unclear about my desire to even continue making the business I had worked so hard to build over the last 10 years.

Her compassionate heart and gift of communication helped me shed my past stories and re-engage with the purpose of why I do what I do. I generated over $45K in contract work during our first 10 weeks of work together. and $120K in our second year together. Thank you Anna for reminding me of my confidence, my gifts and igniting my energy to market my soul work! A priceless experience!”

–Melissa Hall Kelii,

Principal, TGB Architects

“Now I Feel More Replenished & Grow My Business”

“In two years of working together, we tripled our business (more than that!) through coaching. We threw a charity event that normally we didn’t have time to do … growing business while growing passion project. In giving, we can remain successful and thrived in both areas and it was fun. I never take vacations because I love m job and work. I run marathons going long time working really hard then crash and burn and get upset and everything falls down around me. Anna helped me take short breaks, go to the spa, take more self care as well as take longer breaks like a week off and my world didn’t come crashing down.
Now I can feel replenished and still grow my business. As a conscious business leader, life at home matters just as important as work life that helped us flow, grow and prosper, and be happy. Thank you, Anna–we love you!”

-Ashlee and Scott,

Lake Cameron Mortgage Team

“I’ve Eliminated Months of Chaos and Heartache”

“When I started working with Anna, life was chaos. Not a lot of balance with work life and family life, which is important to me. How do I get my energy around doing both areas well? I started creating better boundaries, and did a personality test with my wife to understand who she is and why I do I what I do. When Covid hit, we looked at how do we adapt and adjust. Wasn’t clear how to help carry their burdens and make sure I’m getting sleep when thinking about it all the time. We did breathing, toe tapping, and exercises that worked! We redefined what success looks like for me to grow organically.

Those conversations of being asked coaching questions have eliminated months of chaos and heartache.”

–Matt Augspurger, Finanical Advisor

Melissa Ignited Her Energy

for her Soul Work!

“First I must say, Anna’s coaching style is the most organized, honest and positive, I have ever experienced. She comes to her work with a purpose to help her clients discover their best self and leverage that energy to boost revenue for their business!

When I first met Anna, I was lost as a “successful” multi-million dollar business owner and unclear about my desire to even continue making the business I had worked so hard to build over the last 10 years.

Her compassionate heart and gift of communication helped me shed my past stories and re-engage with the purpose of why I do what I do. I generated over $45K in contract work during our first 10 weeks of work together. and $120K in our second year together. Thank you Anna for reminding me of my confidence, my gifts and igniting my energy to market my soul work! A priceless experience!”

–Melissa Hall Kelii,

Principal, TGB Architects

“Now I Feel More Replenished & Grow My Business”

“In two years of working together, we tripled our business (more than that!) through coaching. We threw a charity event that normally we didn’t have time to do … growing business while growing passion project. In giving, we can remain successful and thrived in both areas and it was fun. I never take vacations because I love m job and work. I run marathons going long time working really hard then crash and burn and get upset and everything falls down around me. Anna helped me take short breaks, go to the spa, take more self care as well as take longer breaks like a week off and my world didn’t come crashing down.
Now I can feel replenished and still grow my business. As a conscious business leader, life at home matters just as important as work life that helped us flow, grow and prosper, and be happy. Thank you, Anna–we love you!”

-Ashlee and Scott,

Lake Cameron Mortgage Team

“I’ve Eliminated Months of Chaos and Heartache”

“When I started working with Anna, life was chaos. Not a lot of balance with work life and family life, which is important to me. How do I get my energy around doing both areas well?

I started

creating better boundaries, and did a personality test with my wife to understand who she is and why I do I what I do. When Covid hit, we looked at how do we adapt and adjust. Wasn’t clear how to help carry their burdens and make sure I’m getting sleep when thinking about it all the time. We did breathing, toe tapping, and exercises that worked! We redefined what success looks like for me to grow organically.

Those conversations of being asked coaching questions have eliminated months of chaos and heartache.”

–Matt Augspurger, Finanical Advisor

“Helped Me Get Centered with More time for Family and Vacations”

What would it look like to have more time with family and create more connection, laughter and joy? These coaching questions helped me get centered and makes sense of what to do each day.

Before that, nothing would make sense of what to prioritize. Now I know why I’m doing what I’m doing, what I want for my life, and how my business contributes to the life that I want.

I got to redefine what was exciting about what I’m doing. Not about getting it done but being a contribution–not about checking something off but giving back and having fun. Tried to launch a business 3x over 5 years. Wasn’t able to live my dream. Now, I’m actually an independent consultant. First year made $10,000 on my own without a coach. In my second year after working with Anna, made $120,00–within the first 3-6 months! I used to think a lot smaller. It’s not about money but a bigger life with more time with family, having vacations I didn’t think was possible–I’m continuously growing what I think is possible.”

–Chris Anibarro, Founder

Stephanie Reclaimed

3 Hours Per Day

“We had a great team and great revenue but knew I wasn’t working as efficiently. I constantly had ideas that I wasn’t putting into action. Everyday felt like my time would just vanish. What I needed most was structure and guidance. That’s what I found.

My goal wasn’t to make a certain revenue goal or grow my team. It was to recapture my time and figure out how to do that and not shove self care to the wayside. One of the biggest revolutionary shifts was my email process with my team and figuring out how to best utilize their potential.

Gone are days of me spending 4 hours organizing, categorizing flood of email I’d get on a daily basis. I can accomplish that now in 1 hour during high season, regaining 3 hours back into my day.”

-Stephanie Kirk, Owner of JC Madison, Inc. Health Insurance

Josh has More Clarity and Peace of Mind

As a high achiever, Josh gets a lot accomplished owning and running two 7 figure companies. He was exhausted running back to back meetings all day and it was hard to turn the chattering mind off before bed of what needed to get done.

Josh knows meditation is good–but the reality is, it’s just not his jam. Through coaching, Josh found ways to have micro moments of peace and now enjoys deeper sleep, clarity on what habits impact more closed deals, and is able to compassionately move on from negative energy from news or relationships–optimizing his energy management to stay recharged throughout his day!

-Josh Elledge

Sarah Hired 2 New Team Members

and Landed 3 Large Contracts

“I was struggling with growth and knew that there was opportunity that I wasn’t acting on because of capacity. But I didn’t know how to make time to hire the right people to be able to grow since I was already at capacity. Fear was a big thing on my end. My husband and I disagreed about our growth potential and what we’ve created, which became a real point of contention. We essentially had left growing the company as a stalemate.Then my husband shared with a trusted friend about business struggles, who referred Anna to us. During the coaching, we took more action towards hiring new team members in a month than the last 2 years. We met our primary goals of hiring 2 new contractors and signed on 3 new large contracts now that we have new team members to deliver on those contracts. Since taking the program, I’ve become more confident in myself and what I’m doing. Pushing through my biggest fears and roadblocks was a big deal. Now I know I did it, I know I can do it–just have to replicate what I’ve already done.

The fear is less. There’s still stress, but stress I thrive on. I like it. The group dynamic really holds you accountable. When presenting to a group and they get all their stuff done and you don’t it’s group peer pressure that really worked.

I feel the mastermind was very valuable, completely positive, it was very good for us. I would definitely recommend this.”


Kim Got a Drastic Shift in Identity to Get Work Done Consistently and Calmly

“I have been struggling for many years with being very inconsistent in organizing by business and my life, which lead to me often feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. Anna’s insightful coaching team helped me realize that I needed to stop trying to understand WHY I was having the problem and just accept that it simply IS — that this state may be who I truly am. This shift in focus helped me realize that I need to stop waiting for organization and structure to magically appear in my life, and that I — like a majority of the population — need to consciously work at building structure and systems in my life. This was actually a shift in identity for me so drastic that it felt like I had spent years believing I was a black woman and now just discovered I was actually a white woman! I have gradually been adding structure to my daily routine, and I am now finding that I am getting more work done consistently and calmly..”

-Kim Pelham, Mom and

Real Estate Agent

Christa has More Time with Friends

and ​Higher Peace of Mind

I’m a high performing sales manager and a top performer in my company–always in the top 10%. But in my personal life, my performance is mediocre.

I’d rate myself a zero for peace of mind. Through my work with Anna I now rate myself much higher.

I value Anna’s coaching and realized resistance is futile. She’s allowed me to be a pain in the a** at times while straight with me and work through what I needed to. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and the work we’ve been doing is allowing me to handle and get myself grounded in who I am as a person.

The energy exercises Anna’s taught me allow me to get really connected to my power. I am a good person and I do love myself and have something to offer. Friends are now coming around who miss me. I’m getting connected to how wonderful the core of me is–compassionate, loving, generous and beautiful.

–Christa Dahlke, Account

Director at Kforce

“Helped Me Get Centered with More time for Family and Vacations”

What would it look like to have more time with family and create more connection, laughter and joy? These coaching questions helped me get centered and makes sense of what to do each day.

Before that, nothing would make sense of what to prioritize. Now I know why I’m doing what I’m doing, what I want for my life, and how my business contributes to the life that I want.

I got to redefine what was exciting about what I’m doing. Not about getting it done but being a contribution–not about checking something off but giving back and having fun. Tried to launch a business 3x over 5 years. Wasn’t able to live my dream. Now, I’m actually an independent consultant. First year made $10,000 on my own without a coach. In my second year after working with Anna, made $120,00–within the first 3-6 months! I used to think a lot smaller. It’s not about money but a bigger life with more time with family, having vacations I didn’t think was possible–I’m continuously growing what I think is possible.”

–Chris Anibarro, Founder

Stephanie Reclaimed

3 Hours Per Day

“We had a great team and great revenue but knew I wasn’t working as efficiently. I constantly had ideas that I wasn’t putting into action. Everyday felt like my time would just vanish. What I needed most was structure and guidance. That’s what I found.

My goal wasn’t to make a certain revenue goal or grow my team. It was to recapture my time and figure out how to do that and not shove self care to the wayside. One of the biggest revolutionary shifts was my email process with my team and figuring out how to best utilize their potential.

Gone are days of me spending 4 hours organizing, categorizing flood of email I’d get on a daily basis. I can accomplish that now in 1 hour during high season, regaining 3 hours back into my day.”

-Stephanie Kirk, Owner of JC Madison, Inc. Health Insurance

Josh has More Clarity

and Peace of Mind

As a high achiever, Josh gets a lot accomplished owning and running two 7 figure companies. He was exhausted running back to back meetings all day and it was hard to turn the chattering mind off before bed of what needed to get done.

Josh knows meditation is good–but the reality is, it’s just not his jam. Through coaching, Josh found ways to have micro moments of peace and now enjoys deeper sleep, clarity on what habits impact more closed deals, and is able to compassionately move on from negative energy from news or relationships–optimizing his energy management to stay recharged throughout his day!

-Josh Elledge

Sarah Hired 2 New Team Members

and Landed 3 Large Contracts

“I was struggling with growth and knew that there was opportunity that I wasn’t acting on because of capacity. But I didn’t know how to make time to hire the right people to be able to grow since I was already at capacity. Fear was a big thing on my end. My husband and I disagreed about our growth potential and what we’ve created, which became a real point of contention. We essentially had left growing the company as a stalemate.Then my husband shared with a trusted friend about business struggles, who referred Anna to us.

During the coaching, we took more action towards hiring new team members in a month than the last 2 years. We met our primary goals of hiring 2 new contractors and signed on 3 new large contracts now that we have new team members to deliver on those contracts

Since taking the program, I’ve become more confident in myself and what I’m doing. Pushing through my biggest fears and roadblocks was a big deal. Now I know I did it, I know I can do it–just have to replicate what I’ve already done.

The fear is less. There’s still stress, but stress I thrive on. I like it. The group dynamic really holds you accountable. When presenting to a group and they get all their stuff done and you don’t it’s group peer pressure that really worked.

I feel the mastermind was very valuable, completely positive, it was very good for us. I would definitely recommend this.”


Kim Got a Drastic Shift in Identity to Get Work Done Consistently and Calmly

“I have been struggling for many years with being very inconsistent in organizing by business and my life, which lead to me often feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. Anna’s insightful coaching team helped me realize that I needed to stop trying to understand WHY I was having the problem and just accept that it simply IS — that this state may be who I truly am. This shift in focus helped me realize that I need to stop waiting for organization and structure to magically appear in my life, and that I — like a majority of the population — need to consciously work at building structure and systems in my life. This was actually a shift in identity for me so drastic that it felt like I had spent years believing I was a black woman and now just discovered I was actually a white woman! I have gradually been adding structure to my daily routine, and I am now finding that I am getting more work done consistently and calmly..”

-Kim Pelham, Mom and

Real Estate Agent

Christa has More Time with Friends and ​Higher Peace of Mind

I’m a high performing sales manager and a top performer in my company–always in the top 10%. But in my personal life, my performance is mediocre.

I’d rate myself a zero for peace of mind. Through my work with Anna I now rate myself much higher.

I value Anna’s coaching and realized resistance is futile. She’s allowed me to be a pain in the a** at times while straight with me and work through what I needed to. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and the work we’ve been doing is allowing me to handle and get myself grounded in who I am as a person.

The energy exercises Anna’s taught me allow me to get really connected to my power. I am a good person and I do love myself and have something to offer. Friends are now coming around who miss me. I’m getting connected to how wonderful the core of me is–compassionate, loving, generous and beautiful.

–Christa Dahlke, Account

Director at Kforce

Jules Went from No Time or Self Care

to More Energy and Clarity

“Before working with Anna I was struggling with time management and self-care.Throughout the work, I learned to tap into the power of my body and have more energy and clarity within my body! DO IT!! I am overflowing with gratitude! Anna is a master at what she does!”