The Secret to Recovery
This is a story about my greatest downfall during my recovery from chronic skin picking and how it opened the door to true freedom and healing.
This is a story about my greatest downfall during my recovery from chronic skin picking and how it opened the door to true freedom and healing.
1. LostWhen you feel completely trapped, encompassed and chained by the need to pick your skin. You’re exasperated, ashamed, and exhausted by yourself. Stopping skin picking feels like a hopeless, impossible feat. There’s a part of you that feels powerless and the only path for you to take is acceptance - that this is your life and it’s never going to get better. Too much has happened to you, you’re in too deep, picked your skin for too long, there’s no going back
is the person you’ll become by healing from it.The pain of skin picking, how it seems to suck the joy from life and wipe your confidence and ease off the map. This discomfort is there to serve you. It’s your Core Self crying out to be seen again and the only way to reunite you with yourself is to hold this pain close and delve even deeper into it...Deeper into self-love and compassion and why you struggle to give this to yourself.
Before I give my pointers on this, I want to go a little deeper.To skip the value behind these pointers, scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see the list there xx. When you start picking again…I know this place. That shift from hope, motivation and determination, from “I’ve got this!” to “What the fuck is wrong with me?” The taste of yet another failure is tangy with a sticky, dark shame. The energy rushes from your body leaving you feeling empty, alone, and deeply disappointed in yourself.
© 2023 by Personal Life Coach.