From a life-long enthusiastic learner...

Always learning and bringing something NEW!

3/6/2022 0Comments

Our emotions and feelings can feel like pages and pages when we are turmoil or conundrum.

On the front page of my website is a document (PDF) that I GIFT to anyone that wants it. A PDF document that is designed to support you with "pen to paper" in reaching clarity. Click here and scroll to bottom of page to request this GIFT via email.

Secondly, as a support to little humans around the nation and across the ocean I created a the 2-Hour-Test-Drive coaching session that is complimentary to ALL.

Simply, schedule on the website here under Work w/Theresa.

It may not take the full 2-Hours, yet I don't like to be rushed and certainly don't want you to feel rushed.

​NOW - take a listen to EPS 33 "When We Speak and Feel" (in pages) where I gave examples of value in understanding HOW WE CAN go from pages and pages of feelings and emotions to a paragraph to ultimately a ONE LINER that becomes our foundational stand (a rock or block) to stand on as we go through life and living well.

Hit the follow button while on the podcast to be notified when a NEW Episode comes up; also share with the peeps you care about...

Big Love, Theresa

PS: this podcast is available on all major podcast platforms including yet not limited to iTunes and Spotify.


Applicable to EVERY piece of content produced by Theresa King Thompson:::

The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author, or individuals participating, and do not represent the opinions of anyone else. None of the shares are intended as medical advice, mental health advice, mental health counseling or therapy, or as imparting any health care recommendations. Always seek medical advice if you or someone you know is struggling emotionally or feeling hopeless, it’s important to talk to someone about it now. Contact one of the resources below for a free, confidential conversation…

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Crisis Text line: Text “Connect” to 741-741

I'm a 'Perspective Detective' and I help clients become 'Perspective Detectives' in their own lives. I've created Signature Programs for discovering and uncovering the WHY we do the things WE do, ACT the way we ACT, STRUGGLE in certain areas of life and SOAR in others...

I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified BrainGAME facilitator/coach | Slightly Naughty, Sweet & Salty.
I am devoted to Serenity, Wisdom and Laughter personally and professionally!

Take what you like and leave the rest...

BIG Love, Theresa



: To the grammar police you can - buzz off.

No, if there's something seriously wrong PM me. Okay??

Smile. Giggle. Giggle.

Hashtags you can use to find me...



#lessons2laminate #fasttrack2truthgal #braingamer #mindshifter
