From a life-long enthusiastic learner...

Always learning and bringing something NEW!

2/19/2021 0Comments

When it comes to expressing your emotions ️ do you suck at it??

With ya. Been there.

Can still happen.

I have tools for when I suck!

Smile. Giggle. Giggle.

If you “feel the feels” of fear around expressing yourself, expressing your emotions ️ you’re NOT alone.

We are NOT taught ANYWHERE, not in the home & not in school any type of tools for processing #emotions.

No tools alone creates even more #anxiety ON TOP OF the original host of emotions. Which is one of the main reasons I created my 360TAP Signature Program that has been so well received.

Peeps need tools. Me, too. We all do!!

Not being able to process emotions can cause us to feel like we have no right to feel our feelings, no ability to stand our ground, or step up for ourselves, even to set boundaries. What if you had the tools to feel to your core exactly what you want to say and express it beautifully.

So beautifully ️ your people say, “Gosh, that was beautiful!”

Who doesn’t want that sh*t! Right?

When we can’t process emotions; we struggle with communicating and expressing how we feel, too. It leaves us worried and fearful of the UGLY emotional train wreck with every attempt pretty much, and, that can leave us stuck in the mud and the muck.

I’m telling you right now I could NOT put into words how I felt 25 years ago when I was called to change.

I was taught HOW TO DO THAT! And, you can learn it, too!

These are the big & little nuances that keep us from going for our dreams, finding and having a voice, and living out loud.

Clearing the mud and the muck moves us naturally back to our original “core essence” we were born with.

Before any incidents, accidents or conundrums.

Many people spend a lifetime denying painful emotions, stuffing them, cursing them, numbing them and trying to pretend they don’t exist at all.

Many people also think processing emotions is hard ️ yet with the massive amount of information available to us these days ️ teachings and techniques ️ have advanced. We are way past the “shadow” days that made doing THE WORK seemed daunting and difficult.

My clients uncover & discover all the time and write me in delight - ALL the time! I love that for them (and, me!)

Here’s an EXAMPLE: often my clients realize they have character assets which is awesome, however, they also realize their character asset(s) can get out of balance. A highly organized person can become “controlling and overbearing”, their actual asset can turn into a character defect and they had no clue.

NO CLUE WHY people had started ignoring them OR bucking up to them, or staying away and disconnecting from them, avoiding them, etc. What felt like “a lack of love” was simply their people trying to survive the wrath of their control or controlling ways of being.

Make sense?

That’s just one little example. Once we know better - yes - we can do better.

Hope this helps...

What’s the definition of a #miracle ? Knowing yourself thoroughly! Smile.

A miracle really is the tiniest shift in our #perspective and that happens via THE WORK.

When we know better we can do better.

Fo sho!!

Big Love,

I'm a 'Perspective Detective' and I help clients become 'Perspective Detectives' in their own lives. I've created Signature Programs for discovering and uncovering the WHY we do the things WE do, ACT the way we ACT, STRUGGLE in certain areas of life and SOAR in others...

I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified BrainGAME facilitator/coach | Slightly Naughty, Sweet & Salty.
I am devoted to Serenity, Wisdom and Laughter personally and professionally!

Take what you like and leave the rest...

BIG Love, Theresa



: To the grammar police you can - buzz off.

No, if there's something seriously wrong PM me. Okay??

Smile. Giggle. Giggle.

Hashtags you can use to find me...



#lessons2laminate #fasttrack2truthgal #braingamer #mindshifter



7/23/2020 0Comments

Your Mother'N'Love stuck her foot in her mouth ️ it’s NOT who she is at the core.

Your son as an adult screams I hate you, fk you, I hate you; that’s NOT who he is at his core.

You’re trying to be funny and your person gets offended & explodes; that’s NOT who they are at the core.

We ALL have the option to step away knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt


And, looking for ways to LOVE them more...

The above examples are NOT the same “at their core” as the consistency of let’s say our X-president and his persistent #behavioral challenges. Please seek the insight & the difference.

I’m simply saying...

Good people ACT out sometimes (me, too); I’m in love with PRACTICING LOVING MORE in the HEAT of the moment.

I’ll speak to this today LIVE.

AND, we’ll be having a BIG OLE Conversation in CLUBHOUSE tomorrow (Saturday 9 am central)

coffee ️ in hand.

“NOT ALL Heroes Wear Capes”

Add to calendar link in comments.

Concepts designed to keep our vibration high, maintaining the loves in our life, not having to forgive because we didn’t judge and a feeling of accomplishment under the umbrella ☂ of self-esteem.

Being or becoming your own hero because you can...and NO cape necessary.

NO cookies either.

It just FEELS GOOD to bring love and ACCEPTANCE forward in life & business.

Big Love,

2/19/2021 0Comments

Emotional immaturity can be the result of many many different concepts and conundrums; yet often the onset can be tied to some sort of #trauma (aka hurt).

Lacking the tools to process our emotions is hard on our big ole heart and our nervous system (aka the body).

Can even cause our body to run as if it’s fighting a tiger for years and years. Causing system overload, bodily breakdowns and dis-ease which can lead to disease. Unprocessed emotions cause us to act out in the ugliest of ways, we are challenged around trust, we can be avoidant to intimacy and real connection both personally and professionally.

Also, keeps us from feeling safe, relaxed, serene, and content.

Simply stated unprocessed emotions

totally “mess with our mojo”. Smile.

So so often we find that our parents were emotionally immature. This allows us to see them as they were – human beings with their own wounds.

It allows us to also see our siblings, our significant others, our co-workers and collaborative partners, ALL OF OUR PEEPS – in a new loving light – YES – most of all – ourselves!


This ONE concept alone has helped me LOVE MORE – meaning hold space for others KNOWING •what I just witness• is NOT THEM, NOT their core essence

or who they really are!!

At the core of this concept, we also take on the belief sometimes that we “make people feel” a certain way AND/OR we “feel a certain way” because of other people.

She “makes me feel” this or that.

He “makes me feel” less than.

You “made mommy mad”.

Don't do this or that “you'll upset your dad”

This type of messaging becomes “what people feel (and act out) is because of ME”.


Many many adults walk around in life suffering and undergoing big-time stressors, anxiety, sadness, anger, rage and even depression all under the umbrella outside influence. Seeking approval of or from others. Trying to please others – being responsible for the “feelings” of others.

If we’re unhappy in any way, shape, or form it's more than likely due to a focus on another human, or an experience with another human where you did not get what you wanted...

Bring it home brothers and sisters.

Home to you.

Let's uncover the mud and muck & step into clarity.

Let's discover what's in the messy middle & move into clarity.

Let's get back to your original “core essence” via clarity –️ move toward the person we were born as – born to be – before the conundrum came along – that jaded our JOY.

Emotional maturity is about being fully responsible for your own emotional state and all “the behaviors” that come with it.

How people respond and behave is all a clue and a reflection of their relationship with themselves.

And, that my friends begins with self-knowledge – self-awareness – course-correction – and it's a journey.

The journey is JOY.

A natural – knowingness

and a natural – joy.

Fewer #weeds sprouting UP

Smile again.

Big Love,


What’s the definition of a miracle??

The tiniest shift in perspective ‼️

use these hashtags to search for and find more concepts by Theresa on Social Media platforms





Big Love,

2/19/2021 0Comments

Happiness. Contentment. Serenity. Safety. Trust – ain’t out there – not long-term. Meaning you could feel it from meeting someone special yet it’s seldom sustainable.

Making another human responsible for those things listed above is for sure a pedestal that can’t withstand the pressure.

It’s a big ole energy suck, too.

Feeling the Feels of these core desires is found within self and with that you’re happy, content, serene, joyful, feel safe, have a natural confidence, etc. Making meeting and sharing with someone else a “cherry & whip cream on top” experience...

The same is true in friendship, collaboration, business, client relationships, etc. Loving self-first allows us to hold loving space for others to be themselves and we’re able to celebrate differences with them – love unconditionally.

Often in coaching conversations I’ll say “play with this idea” or “listen to this” and we’ll discuss next time or “what are your thoughts around this idea or how does this feel” to you??

I love helping people “feel into” the possible insight around a topic vs agreement or disagreement.

Tossing around different concepts opens up windows & doors to the Soul – which is where miracles expose themselves and light you UP UP UP.

What’s the definition of a #miracle ??

The tiniest shift in #perception

Big Love,

2/18/2020 0Comments

Listening to a podcast and the gal used Positive | Negative and then changed the description to Light | Shadow.

Loved that because

there is such #truth available. Stop the child-like behavior of avoiding the Character Defects and find balance between our Character Assets and our Character Defects (we all have them!)

So let’s play the WHAT IF GAME•••

Society has taught us that food & exercise EQUAL health or a healthy lifestyle.

Go Google it ️ enter “healthy” it’ll be filled with food pics & exercise pics.

WHAT IF we stop avoiding our thinking, our emotions, our highs & lows, our trauma's and our drama, etc. and the weight fell off because we are NO LONGER HIDING. WHAT IF we started moving because we frick'n love ourselves and desire to move!

GUESS WHAT?? When our self-esteem rises ️ when our energy rises ️ when our vibration rises ️ WE RISE NATURALLY

Meaning •••

We eat better

We exercise (move) easily

We feel naturally content & confident


#avoidance shows up like this ️

You want to be entertained

Comedy is a go to (must be entertained)

Netflix becomes a fix for relaxing

Alcohol (or substances) brings about calm

The #truth type stuff is upsetting

Your focus is always

on another person.

You’re very attached to (defensive about)

Your story (your thang)

Your diagnosis

Your fears

Your (fill in the blank)

I know this because I HAVE IT

I know this because I had

the YEAH BUT’s TOO big time

STILL DO in certain area’s

NOW ️ what to do to #heal

which EQUALS

feeling good

feeling healthy

I personally found a mentor / coach that had conversations with me ABOUT me SEEING me, understanding myself more thoroughly and in a more reasonable way.

t doesn’t have to me; there are many amazing coaches & mentors and I’m glad to make recommendations (even free resources I’ll make available to you ️ simply pm me)

Big love,


Here's a link to my 2-HOUR TEST DRIVE

(in 2020 I moved my #volunteerism to my business ON purpose with purpose.) There are some suggestions on that page yet you can bring to the table whatever you choose.

Avoidance is a coping mechanism that does not serve. It's temporary #relief from what's real in life and creates big highs and big a** lows.

It’s time to step off the merry-go-round. I did it - you can do it, too! We have choice. And, it feels so good.

Big Love,

9/14/2020 0Comments

Crazy can hurt...It can feel embarrassing...confusing, depressing, isolated ️ like you’re the only one in the world that has this crazy shit happening. Smile.

I assure you’re NOT ALONE.


•••Healthy Boundaries

>>>> It’s okay to disagree. We are not wrong or bad if someone disagrees with us or doesn’t see things as we see them. In fact, it’s a part of life. It’s okay to make mistakes, too.

•••Surrendering & Serenity

>>>> He wasn’t born to see things your way. She wasn’t born to see things your way. We think we’ll be a “happy jack” if we can get others to see, be and do as we see, be and do. Smile. We can ️ yet ONLY temporarily.

•••Leading, Liberating & Legacy

in the NOW

>>>> There is a huge difference in taking things personally (allowing it to hurt our heart ) and taking personal responsibility (processing things from a 70,000 foot view and seeing multiple scenarios.)

•••Fantasy to Freedom Thinking

>>>> It’s never a fantasy to imagine a life with little to no chaos via the path of our perception. With great honor, respect and acceptance of others, where they are on their path of ️ knowing themselves thoroughly. A great reason to do the work.

When we are children, teenagers and young adults we are met with experiences that lead to strong feelings and from those strong feelings ️ are born strong beliefs!



Many times connected to ZERO flexibility ️ hence ️ the saying ️ my way or the highway.

These concept lead to a daily legacy (we don’t have to die to leave a legacy)

  1. a legacy of peace and

  2. a legacy of openness around others.

A 4 part video series around

•••Emotional Drunkedness: What hurts our heart, causes chaos and leads to disturbance of our MOJO!


•••Emotional Sobriety: A sense of SAFE no matter what’s swirling around especially with those we are exposed to daily and/or often.

Are you in my private circle?

Join today ⤵️⤵️⤵️

LetsHuman | Miracles & Mojo

See UNITS SECTION for Monthly Complimentary Teachings

Interview Style is so fun...I sure hope to do more and more with the amazing Tonia Emanuel!

Tonia runs the fabulous private FB Group: Women Creating Legacies and I find her post and teachings super helpful.

I recently did her Ignite Coaching Session and found some major stories that need attention and need to be RE-Scripted for a big ass #mindSHIFT related to dating again. It was WOWZER!

Here's the link to Tonia's Private Group: Women Leaving Legacies

And, here's her website for more

information and details:

Full Video is posted below - Enjoy!

And, let us know if you have questions and don't forget we both have TEST DRIVE options regarding our coaching practices.

We LOVE to serve!!

9/14/2020 0Comments

(please note the last couple of paragraphs)

The best feeling in the world is living a life without stress. When we are not taking care of ourselves, we’re usually expecting someone else to do it for us. Often this expectation is an unconscious expectation and causes internal disturbance (aka stress).

If it were easy to 1) know and 2) then communicate our challenges & our needs – everyone would be doing this.

And, we’d have FEW relationship conundrums.

The person that is unaware – ️ we call in the industry “asleep”. The sole purpose of self-evaluation or becoming a ‘perspective detective’ in search of patterns & cycles is to bring awareness to the forefront.

The guy procrastinating about moving forward regarding #relationship coaching has NO IDEA he’s procrastinating because he has a pattern or cycle of NOT TAKING ACTION until there is some sort of drama that forces him to TAKE ACTION.

His background or wounds have always been around trauma and drama.

He unknowingly allows himself to be moved ONLY after some kind of drama.

It was a way of life in his growing up years.

His relationship matters of the home – ️ ONLY MATTER when a meltdown, a storm, a fit is thrown that he has to (if he wants to SAVE his marriage) respond.

This is off-putting (a real turn off to his wife) ...makes him genuinely UNATTRACTIVE TO HER.

His ACTIONS say loudly “my relationship is LAST on my list of priorities).

ACTIONS are key – clues to our core intentions and PRIORITIES!

When our significant other feels un-heard, last on the list, un-cared for, not a priority – ️ CHECK your ACTIONS.

It’s seldom our words that are indicators it’s our UNSPOKEN WORDS (aka our ACTIONS) that are felt by others!!

With a little ‘Perspective Detective’ investigation, we can learn to start by being FAIR, taking and embracing 97% responsibility usually found in our daily ACTIONS (aka intentions).

Guess what triggers her ??... a dad she felt could give two shits about what was going on regarding relationships of the home‼️

A dad that would hand her a $100 bill vs show up for her cheerleading competition, her ballgame, or her speech & debate competition.

She’s experienced – ️ and feels – ️ has felt – ️ inACTION at its finest.

Nothing triggers her FASTer than the #truth of dismissal and inACTION.

And, that my friends – are All the reasons WHY these two are together – ️for the healing, discovery, uncovering, and understanding of their individual & collective wounds. If you’re triggered investigate where you FIRST felt this emotion and you’ll find your foundational #wound, then reprocess or reposition the original “feeling & the belief established” from it that you carried forward in life (or business).

PS: this #man and this #woman have had major breakthroughs individually – around their wounds. Excited for them to experience the same or similar breakthroughs as a couple.

They’ve worked with many counselors yet have never had the #spiritualawakening that comes with #communication as a #couple. Once they experience how beautiful, #peaceful, and how #compassionate they can be together – with each other. The #wounds dissolve or dissipate NO LONGER TRIGGERING the #past.

Big Love,


“What’s the definition of a #miracle??

A shift in #perspective.

Sometimes the tiniest shift in Perspective...."